Handling Localization for Multiple iOS App Targets: A Common Pitfall

Managing multiple iOS app targets can be tricky, especially with localization. We faced an issue where renaming InfoPlist.strings disrupted app name localization. Discover how adhering to Xcode's conventions resolved this problem and ensured proper localization for different targets.

Handling Localization for Multiple iOS App Targets: A Common Pitfall

When managing multiple targets for an iOS application, it's crucial to handle localization correctly. Each target may require different localized strings, especially for the app's name and other Info.plist keys. Typically, these strings are stored in a file named InfoPlist.strings.

Recently, one of our colleagues suggested that InfoPlist.strings was not an intuitive name and renamed the file. However, upon building the application, we noticed that the app name was not localized as expected; instead, it displayed the target's name.

Initially, the cause of the issue was unclear. After some investigation, we discovered that the problem stemmed from renaming the InfoPlist.strings file. Xcode relies on this specific file name to localize Info.plist keys. Deviating from this convention disrupts the localization process.


To resolve the issue, we reverted the file name back to InfoPlist.strings. Once this change was made, the app name and other localized Info.plist keys displayed correctly.

Key Takeaway

When localizing Info.plist keys in Xcode, always use the file name InfoPlist.strings. This adherence ensures that your app's localization functions as intended across different targets.